“It takes a skilled craftsman to make a drum feel and sound superior. Jim Moritz and Chicago Drum are the combination that bring a serious chemistry between the instrument and the player. From the moment I play ANY Chicago Drum instrument, it’s everything I want to feel from a drum. The handmade shells with the extra round bearing edges and deep cut snare beds bring a warmth and a connection you won’t find from anything sitting on the shelf at any music store. These drums have life, and they bring out the best in my playing. The icing on the cake is Jim and Cathy Moritz being two absolutely wonderful people. The entire experience of first sampling a drum, to getting a full drum kit myself, was about as pleasant as it gets. As a player who demands superior quality craftsmanship and a musical chemistry to anything I play. Chicago Drum not only meets, but exceeds those expectations. Do yourself a giant favor and sample Chicago Drums. You owe it to yourself to experience the ultimate in drum craftsmanship.”
—Derek Bernal